I Finally Watched the Ninja Turtles’ 1990 Live-Action Concert.

Chris Rosenthall
19 min readFeb 23, 2021

There comes a time in everyone’s life where they find themselves looking back on what might have been. Things they should or shouldn’t have done, things they should or shouldn’t have said. Opportunities that passed us by, and sadly, never returned.

Of course, when I say this, the first thing that comes to mind is the Coming Out of Their Shells tour, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live-action concert experience that traveled throughout North America in 1990 and 1991. For the uninformed, here’s a quick summary: In the midst of putting the world’s pop culture landscape in a chokehold, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles formed a band, wrote some original material, secured a Pizza Hut sponsorship and took their show on the road.

This is an incredibly inaccurate depiction of their band. Photo Credit: Tokka on Flickr

If you weren’t around at the time, it’s difficult to properly convey how massively popular the Ninja Turtles were in 1990, but we’re talking comic books, Saturday morning cartoons, fruit snacks, action figures, breakfast cereal, video games and a live-action movie that took a $13.5 million budget and made over $200 million at the box office. With that kind of momentum, it only made sense that a live action concert tour would immediately follow (just kidding, it doesn’t make sense at all. They weren’t a band and they didn’t sing songs; a live-action concert made no sense whatsoever), and while…



Chris Rosenthall

You may know me as Joe the policeman in the What's Going Down episode of That's My Momma.